Books I've been reading.

Monday, December 13, 2010

A place of my own.

Finding a house in a small dusty town can be….in a word, overwhelming. It doesn’t help that I hate searching for a place to live anyways, but I needed to share this with you because obviously, dear reader, you care.

I was fortunate enough to spend the early hours of this morning invested in watching the television show “Dexter.” Trust me, it provides loads of entertainment for the slightly morose.  Anyhow, I decided today was a good day to go look for a house. I’m really glad I brought a book to the office where I went to try and search for a house because I was there for three hours. Thankfully though, no one let me down on actually finding a place!

After five minutes of walking around an apartment, I have decided I may just keep mine eyes peeled.  As much as I loathe looking for a house, it is rather exciting to see a brand new place and dreaming about whether or not I might decorate those barren walls. I’ve heard from other volunteers that some of the happiest times they have had have been when they first moved into their own house. I’m really excited that for the first time ever, I will have a place all my own.

1 comment:

  1. Could you ever have imagined that your first place would be in Morocco?!

    So is this what all PCVs have to do? Find their own place within a provided budget?
