Books I've been reading.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Someone hijacked my sleep.

So, it's 5:46am my time, which my computer tells me is 2:55am Pacific time and I am wide awake. VERY awake. After getting sick of tossing and turning I waved the white flag. Now I'm sitting in the bathroom so as not to disturb my roommate. Wait, roommate? What roommate? Ah yes, I didn't tell you.

Yesterday, I took my flight from Seattle to Philadelphia. Thank goodness that this girl approached me and asked my final destination, and lo and behold she too was going to Morocco for Peace Corps. After an uneventful flight, my friend and I made the choice of attempting to get to the hotel we had our reservations at. My initial ineptitude made getting a shuttle difficult on account of I had totally forgotten what street the hotel was on. The poor transportation man looked at me like I was some sort of strange alien, and I don't blame him much because I sort of am.

Thankfully we made it to the hotel where the entire third floor is full of Peace Corps trainees who came running with open arms to the new arrivals and invited us to dinner. After a bunch of appetizers and discussion topics such as, "why are you here, what drew you to the Peace Corps, and where have you traveled to?" we finally decided it had been a long traveling day and we should settle down.

Which leads me to now: In a bathroom at 6:03am. Hooray early mornings!

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