Books I've been reading.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A peaceful day.

I'm so thankful to be home! After my long trek home from IST (In-Service Training), all I really want to do is get back to my modicum of normalcy in T-town. I finally broke down and got out the fan I inherited from the last volunteer and I had it blowing the whole night and I slept so well. Thank God. Two nights ago while I was attending a meeting, I slept in a room where it was so hot I kept getting up to splash water on myself.

Today I feel so thankful to be home because I'm just taking a day to be quiet. I sometimes feel that I spend entire days talking, which is wonderful because I am blessed by so many interested people. However, I also feel that it's healthy to have inside health days in my house. I woke at 8am and decided I needed to clean my whole house and do laundry. The only thing I haven't been able to clean yet is my room (so typical) but I think I'll get around to that later. Right now, I'm just enjoying sitting on my balcony, watching my laundry dry in the warm wind (it's near 100 degrees Fahrenheit here) and reading a book. Later, I think a friend will invite me to go for a walk this evening.

I love my life here. Right now I feel so peaceful and that things are good. Haha, I hope this feeling lasts longer than a day. I have noticed though that my crazy emotions that were so uncontrollable at the beginning have sort of evened out. I'm able to rationalize my thoughts and feelings and I've been realizing that I have a lot more patience with myself than I used to.

And now for your viewing pleasure, it's me wearing genie pants in Marrakech! Also, in the background you can see a guy taking a siesta in the cart.

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