Books I've been reading.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Fresh vegetables never tasted so good!

I HAVE A HOUSE! EYOW! It was a super crazy ordeal getting it but by jove it's mine for two years! After depositing an amazing amount of stuff in my house that I have magically accumulated in the two months I've been here, it occurred to me that at some point I need to organize this place. So on today's agenda was the following: buy organizing tools, tables, chairs, cleaning supplies, cooking tools, and let's not forget some vegetables! When I got home, I rinsed off those veggies so fast and then took a huge bite of a green pepper. I almost cried it tasted so good. I'm thoroughly convinced that buying and cooking my own vegetables was the highlight of today.

After buying all of the above, I taught for a bit at the Nedi Neswi and then to my happy delight, I came home and began to organize my kitchen. I did what I always do and booted up the old computer and turned on some country music! Somehow when you're all alone in your brand new house in a foreign land, listening to something straight from the heartland somehow makes everything feel better. I discovered that happily I have an abundance of spices that were left to me from the previous PCV. With spices in hand, I realized that I had the power to make (wait for it....) CURRY EGGS AND VEGETABLES! I even bought a little thing of olive oil. When I bought the bottle of oil I thought to myself, is that a big enough bottle? Then I realized the different rates of oil use that I had forgotten to analyze.  My host family probably uses about a liter of oil a week for cooking. I realized that I probably use about, oh say, a liter of olive oil over a period of about 4-6 months. But anyhow, I made myself dinner for the first time in little under 4 months. The first bite was pure bliss.

1 comment:

  1. this sounds exactly like the last two days in my house! cooking my own vegetables and listening to country music. congratulations on living on your own, and if you have figured out how to use a pressure cooker, please let me know because i am at a loss!
